Tuesday 5 June 2012

Sitz Bath Procedures / Methods | Make your own sitz bath

1)      Firstly, place the sitz bath or basin inside your bathtub and fill it with warm water (temperature should be around 37oC). Alternatively, you can put your sitz bath on top of your toilet seat. Water should be filled up to about 3 or 4 inches (just deep enough to cover your buttocks and hips)
2)      Then, sit in the sitz bath with your legs out of water. Your part of body that should be immersed in the water is lower abdomen, buttocks, and upper thighs.
3)      Stay in the sitz bath for about 20-30 minutes. 
      Note: An optional step would be filling another sitz bath or basin with cool water where you alternate between hot and cold water (spending 5 minutes in warm water and 1 minute for cold water). Alternate between hot and cold bath up to 3-5 times. A towel soaked in cold water can be used in place of a cold bath.
4)      After getting out from your sitz bath, gently pat to dry the affected area with a clean towel. It is noted that avoid rubbing the area dry. You may letting the area air dry or using a hair dryer.
5)      Wash your sitz bath properly after each use and dry it thoroughly.
6)      Repeat the process once or twice daily and you may use it up to several times a week depends on your condition.

Related Searches:
Sitz Bath Uses | Definition
Sitz Bath Baking Soda / Epsom Salts
Sitz Bath Procedures / Methods | Make your own sitz bath
Sitz Bath Wiki | Instructions

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