Sunday 17 June 2012

Buspirone HCl Reviews | Advantages, Mechanism of action, Side effects

Buspirone is non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic which is the most selective anxiolytic currently
Mechanism of Action
-anxiety associated with altered serotonin transporters
-partial agonist at 5-HT 1A receptor presynaptic
-inhibit serotoin release
-dose not involve GABA receptors
-delayed onset (~ 1-2 week)
-pregnancy category: B
-oral administration

-lack CNS depressant effect
-no sedation
-no impairment of performance
-no tolerance or withdrawal
-no cross-tolerance with BDZ
-no abuse/addiction potential
-minimal effect on psychomotor functions

Binding of a partial agonist to the 5-HT1A receptor causes the dissociation of inhibitory G-proteins. The G-protein alpha sub-unit binds to and inhibits adenylate cyclase. This prevents the conversion of ATP to cAMP and the initiation of other secondary messenger signaling mechanisms, hence cell depolarisation is inhibited.

-rapidly absorbed and undergo extensive first pass metabolism
-oxidised by CYP3A4 to active metabolite
-excretion through urine (30-60%) and feces (20-40%)
-t1/2 2-11 hours

Side effects
-dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nervousness
-tachycardia/ palpitations
-GI distress, N/D
-pupillary constrition (dose-dependent)

Drug-drug interactions
+fluoxetine = reduce buspirone effect
+haloperidol = increase p [haloperidol]
+CYP3A4 inducer (carbamazepine, barbiturates, phenyton) = reduce p [buspirone]
+CYP3A4 inhibitor (erythromycin, azole, protease, inh) = increase p [buspirone]
+MAOIs = risk of elevated BP

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