Saturday 16 June 2012

Psychomotor Stimulants List, Wiki, Effects, Examples

Psychomotor Stimulants
Amphetamine & related drugs

How do they work / Mechanism of action
Pyschostimulant drugs have impose marked effect on mental function & behaviour. They can stimulate specific area of the brain, eg. for amphetamine acts on cerebral cortex while anorexiants act on hypothalamus and limbic region.
They act by releasing monoamines from nerve terminals.
They are also substrate for neuronal uptake transporters especially for nordarenaline and dopamine. However, fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine preferentially affect 5-HT (serotonin) release by disrupting vesicular storage and reverse 5-HT transporter function.
At lose dose, amphemtamine-related drugs only affect neuronal tranporters while at high dose, MAO inhibitors are inhibited as well promoting increase level of noradrenaline and dopamine.

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