Tuesday 5 June 2012

Sitz Bath Baking Soda / Epsom Salts

Sitz Bath Medications
·         bathtub / basin / plastic sitz bath
·         cool / warm / hot water
·         towel
·         salt, baking soda, vinegar (optional)

Warm water: used for relieving the itching, pain and discomfort associated with conditions like hemorrhoids and genital problems.
Cool water: used for easing constipation, inflammation and vaginal discharges or toning the muscles in cases of fecal or urinary incontinence.

Baking soda or epsom salts can be added after doctor recommendation. It is indicated for vaginal or perineal discomforts especially for women after childbirth. The amount of salt added depends on the size of your sitz bath / basin. Besides, vinegar may be added to provide relief from vaginal yeast infections (candidiasis).

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