Sunday 17 June 2012

Lorazepam Side effects, Drug Interactions, Administration

Administration: oral, IM, IV (slow)
Pharmacokinetics          - absolute bioavailability ~ 90%
                        - rapidly conjugated to lorazepam glucuronide
                        - t1/2 1-2 hour (lorazepam)
                        - t1/2 ~ 18 hours (lorazepam glucuronide)
Side effects
CNS: confusion, dizziness, fatigue, memory impairment, disorientation, headache
CVS: hypotension
GI: N/V/D/C, dry mouth, dysphagia

Drug-drug interactions
+ Oral contraceptive = increase clearance rate of lorazepam
+ theophylline = antagonize sedative effect
+ scopolamine = increase incidence of hallucinations, irrational behaviour & sedation

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