Saturday 16 June 2012

Amphetamine Psychosis, Anxiety, Brain damage, long-term use effects

Long Term use of Amphetamine

·         Malnutrition - since amphetamines reduce the users appetite, they are less likely to eat properly and due to this they are less resistant to infections
·         Chronic anxiety - to combat this users often turn to alcohol and barbiturates for help. Chronic anxiety may also lead to violent behavior.
·         Chronic psychosis - symptoms may include paranoia, delusions, and bizarre behavior. This can be seen as early as 1 week after the user has stopped using. (withdrawal symptoms)
·         Brain damage - long term use of amphetamines can cause damage to the brain, specifically areas that deal with memory and everyday thinking.

Researchers have mapped brain decay caused by methamphetamine use. It is found that the damage affected memory, emotion and reward systems. Areas of greatest loss (damage) are limbic system which control emotion and reward and hippocampus which deal with memory.

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