Wednesday 3 April 2013

Methadone Hypotension | CNS Depression

Methadone Hypotension | CNS Depression

Methadone may also cause severe hypotension and should be used cautiously  in case of severe volume depletion or abnormal blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or dysrhythmias.
Methadone may also cause respiratory depression and care must be taken when used in patinets with respiratory disease or pre-existing respiratory conditions such as severe obesity, asthma, COPD, sleep apnea, or CNS depression. Since the respiratory effects last longer than the analgesic effects, slow titration of methadone doses is required. Attention and care should be emphasized when initiating methadone treatment on dose titration and conversion from other opioid agonists. Incomplete cross tolerance may occur patient may not be tolerant to methadone even though tolerant to other mu opioid agonists. Abrupt cessation must be avoided as may precipitate withdrawal symptoms.

Methadone may cause CNS depression which impair physical or mental abilities and thus should be cautioned in performing tasks requiring mental alertness such as operating machinery or driving after taking methadone. Sedative drugs or ethanol may potentiate methadone effects. Use with caution in patients with depression or suicidal tendencies or history or drug abuse. Psychological and physical dependence may occur with prolonged use.

Also, patient with head injury or increased intracranial pressure must be taken extra care. Patients with acute abdominal conditions may obscure diagnosis or clinical course.. Elderly patients is more susceptible to methadone side effects such as CNS, respiratory and gastrointestinal effects and hence, lower initial dose should be used in elderly or debilitated,  or in patients with abnormal thyroid metabolism, obesity, adrenal insufficiency, prostatic hyperplasia or urethral stricture and also in impaired renal and hepatic function.
It must be noted that safety and efficacy of methadone use has not been established in children.

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate  DR AKHIGBE,my name is LAURIE HUGHES . I will never stop testifying DR AKHIGBE , Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HIV virus again. DR AKHIGBE did it for me I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 2 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one place to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day,  I saw a testimony on how DR AKHIGBE helped someone in curing his HIV disease in internet quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days, after using the herbal cure and i did, behold I was free from the deadly disease,till now no HIV in me again he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now,all the testimony of DR AKHIGBE is true  please BROTHER and SISTER, MOTHER and FATHER he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on or you can whats App his mobile number on +2348142454860  He can also cure these diseases like HIV and AIDS HERPES,DIABETICS,CANCER, HEPATITIS A&B,CHRONIC DISEASES, ASTHMA, HEART DISEASES, EXTERNAL INFECTION, EPILEPSY, STROKE, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, NAUSEA,VOMITING OR DIARRHEA,PARKINSON DISEASE,INFLUENZA,. COMMON COLD, AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER, LUPUS,ECZEMA,BACK PAIN, JOINT SCHIZOPHRENIA , PAIN.LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION. .ETC .please email    or whats APP him  ..+2348142454860  he is a real good and honest man.  
