Wednesday 30 May 2012

How to use Flexpen (NovoLog)

To use insulin pen, you can refer to the link below of how to use Novopen 4. The way and steps are guided and there are only little or no difference between guides to use Flexpen or Novolog and Novopen from Novo Nordisk.

How to use Novopen 4

It must be noted that Insulin pen should not be kept in the refrigerator which would destroy the function of Flexpen. Also, to manage your disposable needles, don't place a needle on your pen until you are ready to use it. It is advised to remove the needle from the pen immediately after use and don't try to recap the needle. Safely dispose the needles without posing any possible dangers to others. It is recommended to use a new needle for each injection, however, a needle may be used maximum up to 3 times.

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How to use Novopen 4
How to use Flexpen (NovoLog)
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